Making Media : Magazine Cover Analysis (Kerrang!)

Tuesday 17th April 2018

Making Media : Magazine Cover Analysis
  • how existing media products use media language to communicate meanings through their forms, codes and conventions
  • how the media represent events, issues, individuals or social groups
  • how media forms target, reach and address audiences and how audiences interpret and respond to them. 
Image result for kerrang! marilyn manson christmas edition

1) How has the magazine presented its masthead and why? 

Kerrang! is a UK based magazine devoted to rock music. The exclamation mark gives a loud, anti-establishment, bold sensation which reflects the sensations of the rock genre. It is suggested by the use of the colour red, that the edition expresses of the nature of rock, anger and aggression etc. Christmas lights are used to identify the Christmas theme, therefore a special edition. 

2) What image has the magazine used on its front cover? How is it effective? 

The model is positioned in the centre of the cover to show he is the 'centre of attention.' Manson is looking directly at the reader which creates a bond between them. It is revealed that the model has a strong, negative feeling towards Christmas; this is suggested by the use of mis-en scene (the dead reindeer) which is within the clutches of him. the use of the symbolic reindeer, reflects Manson's beliefs that perhaps in his eyes Christmas is dead. This idea can also be supported by the strap-line anti-Christmas Superstar.) the same impression is given by the dark almost Gothic background of rock music. I believe this s effective because the readership of Kerrang! will most likely relate to rock music in some way, therefore just by looking at the front cover, will be influenced to purchase and read the edition. 

3) How has the magazine enticed its audience into reading further? 

The strap-line, '25 New Interviews', makes the reader want to read on as the adjective 'new' immediately draws our  attention. Across the top of the masthead, the words 'All-star Special' show that this edition is different and unique in comparison to others. 


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